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Sign up in three steps

Do you meet the requirements? Then don’t hesitate and sign up before April 1st using the registration button.

Sign up in three steps:



Step 1:

Fill in the form


film pitch

Step 2:

Create a video pitching your idea (maximum 2 minutes).



Want to sign up? Make sure you meet these requirements:




Registration with de Kamer van Koophandel

You can sign up at the KVK via this link.



You're a student

You must be a registered student at Hanze, University of Groningen, Alfa College, Noorderpoort, or participating in the minor De Noorderlingen in the 2024-2025 academic year.



Are you part of a team?

For team participation, at least one team member must be a registered student and will pitch on stage if advancing to the semi-finals.


halve finale

Tips for creating your registration video

To make a powerful and concise registration video (max. 2 minutes), you can use the following questions as a guide:

Good luck with your video!

Do you need help with the Business Model Canvas?

For students who want to start their own business, the Business Model Canvas is a useful and simple tool to structure and develop your idea.
The Business Model Canvas helps you quickly gain insight into your idea and the key components of your business.

For more information, watch this video. You can also find more details at www.ikgastarten.nl.

If you’d like to learn more or have any questions, join the College Tour Entrepreneurship by Hanze Ondernemen on Monday, March 3, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM at Hanze, Groningen. The workshop will be held in both Dutch and English.

College Tour Entrepreneurship: sign up

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Onze partners

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